Associate Professor, Department of Physics, University of Alaska Fairbanks.
Retail Sales Consultant, AT&T
Engineering Associate 1, Division of Water, Department of Environmental Conservation, State of Alaska,
Supply Chain Tech and Geo Technician, KINROSS Gold Mining Fort Knox
Mr. Mustapha is currently working for the Department of Defense as a Contract Specialist. He also performed his duties as a 25th Air Force Veteran. He has a Bachelor of Science degree in Technical Management from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Daytona Beach and a Master of Business Administration from Northcentral University, Prescott, Arizona.
Mr. Javed is a graduate student at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks. He is the first student in geosciences who is from Pakistan and has been a part of UAF since 2021. He is responsible for managing MCF's social media platforms, reach-out programs, and website. His hobbies include (but are not limited to) biking, skiing, cooking, and hiking. He is so into flying for his research and fieldwork in the far remote interior regions of Alaska, especially in the Arctic circle. He is quite cooperative so feel free to contact him if you have any questions/ concerns. He would love to answer your queries. You can contact him at or
We humbly request your donations and are working on the construction of the first northernmost mosque in North America right in the heart of Alaska (City of Fairbanks). Please support us in this regard and Inshallah it will remain Sadaqah Jariyah for you and your loved ones. Thank you for donating to MCF. "*" indicates required fields
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